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CUBRID 11.2 Patch 5 has been released.

In this release, issues found after 11.2.4 released have been fixed.

1. Improvement and Fix
  - Fixed an error in which the phrase Invisible was missing when performing Unloaddb for a table containing Invisible index.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when performing an Update query for Bind variable of Stored function and Char type column.

  Please refer to the 11.2.5 change logs( for details.

2. Precautions
  - When using heterogeneous(Oracle/MySQL) DBLINK, you must use ODBC Drvier for Unicode of Oracle/MySQL.

3. Environmental Requirements
  - Linux: 64bit, kernel 2.4 or higher, Windows: Windows7 or higher (Windows 7 requires the latest security updates)
  - JRE 1.8 or higher is required when using JSP or CUBRID Admin/CUBRID Manager

4. Download
  - Product download :

List of Articles
No. Category Subject Date
91 Interface CUBRID JDBC driver has been released. 2025.01.09
90 Engine CUBRID 11.3 Patch 2 released 2024.10.08
89 Engine CUBRID 11.2 Patch 9 released 2024.10.08
88 Tool CUBRID Migration Toolkit has been released. 2024.08.09
87 Interface CUBRID JDBC driver Released. 2024.06.21
86 Engine CUBRID 11.3 Patch 1 released 2024.04.30
85 Engine CUBRID 10.2 Patch 15 released 2024.04.30
84 Engine CUBRID 11.2 Patch 8 release 2024.03.15
83 Engine CUBRID 11.0 Patch 13 released 2023.10.30
82 Tool CUBRID Migration Toolkit released. 2023.09.27
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