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CUBRID Manager has been released.

1. Bug Fix
   Fixed errors that do not support table and column comments in 'Export', 'Edit Table'-SQL Script, table dashboard 
   - Modified to support row delimiters CR ('\r') , LF ('\n') and CR/LF ('\r\n') when importing from txt file

   - Fixed column, row separator order, and behavior errors in the dialog box when exporting from a txt file

   - Fixed error pop-up that happens when the column name contains uppercase letters when creating and editing the table

   - Fixed errors that prevent table editing when table names contain uppercase letters 

   - Modified to translate into Korean in ERD editor

   - Fixed an error of cache remaining in DB alias even after the table is deleted when setting the DB alias in the 'Edit Table'

   - Added the latest JDBC driver

   - Fixed errors that do not update the host information in 'Export Hosts' after editting the host information


3. GitHub link

 Please refer to the GitHub link for details.

List of Articles
No. Category Subject Date
31 Engine CUBRID 11.0 Patch 10 released 2023.01.13
30 Engine CUBRID 11.2 Patch 3 released 2023.01.31
29 Tool CUBRID Migration Toolkit Released 2023.02.02
28 Engine CUBRID 11.2 Patch 4 released 2023.04.27
27 Interface CUBRID JDBC driver Released 2023.05.02
26 Engine CUBRID 10.2 Patch 11 released 2023.05.09
25 Engine CUBRID 11.0 Patch 11 released 2023.05.09
24 Tool CUBRID Admin Released 2023.05.26
» Tool CUBRID Manager Released 2023.05.26
22 Tool CUBRID Migration Toolkit Released. 2023.05.31
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