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April 8, 2021


The open source DBMS company, CUBRID announced that they have signed a strategic agreement with R2B Solution (, a company that specializes in real-time data synchronization.


Through this strategic business agreement, CUBRID plans to link R2B solution’s CDC (Change Data Capture) solution ‘X-LOG’ with its DBMS solution ‘CUBRID’ and cooperates in discovering joint customers. 


Unlike ETL and ESB tools, it does not directly use DB tables during the transfer; instead, it transfers data through capturing and transferring logs. In this case, the transfer does not increase the workload of the actual DB, therefore both spend and stability are improved.  Moreover, R2B Solution's ‘X-LOG’ supports heterogeneous DBMS, so DB can be converted to open source DB accurately and easily.  Enterprises and organizations using both companies' solutions can transfer table data between remote DBMSs at high speed and verify bidirectional consistency in real time.


Through this cooperation, both companies are expected to be able to respond to the demand of migrating legacy systems to the cloud effectively. In addition to the project of transferring data between remote centers and internal and external networks in the public and defense markets where CUBRID has established a wide range of positions, CUBRID expects to discover more joint opportunities in various markets such as finance, manufacturing, and retail markets through this cooperation. 


With the recent increase in the use of big data DBs, such as the spread of the MyData business model1, there is a deepening concern for resource efficiency. R2B Solutions expect that this cooperation with CUBRID will be complementary for the acceleration of discovering new customers of cloud transformation.



*1MyData is a South Korean government-led business model that collects and analyzes consumers’ data scattered across business sectors upon request and then makes personalized product recommendations.




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» Strategic Business Agreement with R2B Solution file
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