Getting Started with Cubrid Migration Toolkit Console Mode
Written by Rathana Va at Phnom Voar Software, Cambodia Introduction CUBRID Migration Toolkit (CMT) Console is a tool to migrate the data and the schema from the source DB (MySQL, Oracle, CUBRID, etc) to the target DB (CUBRID). CMT Console mode is a separate product from the CMT GUI version. It could be useful for some cases like automating migration or linux command line mode. Installation Windows 1. Download through the link: http://ftp.cubrid.org/CUBRID_Tools/CUBRID_Migration_Toolkit/CUBRID-Migration-Toolkit-11.0-latest-windows-x64.zip 2. Extract the Zip file Linux 1. Download through the link using web browser or wget command: http://ftp.cubrid.org/CUBRID_Tools/CUBRID_Migration_Toolkit/CUBRID-Migration-Toolkit-11.0-latest-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 2. Extract the tar.gz file tar -xf CUBRID-... -
Getting Started With DBeaver for CUBRID
Written by Thim Thorn at Phnom Voar Software, Cambodia Introduction DBeaver is a free multi-platform database tool for developers, database administrators, analysts and all people who need to work with databases. It supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, MS Access, Teradata, Firebird, Apache Hive, Phoenix, Presto, etc. DBeaver is running on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. This document summarizes how to get started with DBeaver for CUBRID for Windows users. Installing DBeaver on a Windows To install DBeaver, open a web browser and go to dbeaver.io/download/. Click Windows (Installer) under Community Edition. Follow the instructions on the installation screen. At “Choose Components,” if you already have a Java installed on your ma... -
Converting PL/SQL to CUBRID Java SP using ANTLR and StringTemplate
Written by Youngjin Joo on 09/30/2021 CUBRID DBMS (hereinafter 'CUBRID') does not support PL/SQL. If you want to continue your project by creating functions or subprograms with PL/SQL syntax in CUBRID, you need to convert them to Java Stored Function/Procedure (hereinafter 'Java SP'). Database developers, administrators, and engineers are often familiar with PL/SQL syntax but not with programming languages. In addition, application development depends very little on the DBMS used, but converting PL/SQL to Java SP seems difficult because it feels like you're developing a new system. Therefore, while I am looking for an easy way to convert PL/SQL to Java SP, I found out about ANTLR. ANTLR is a tool for generating parsers. With the help of contributors around the world, ANT... -
Contributing to Open Source Community/Project
Written by Charis Chau on 06/23/2020 What is an open source project? To answer this, let us start with a burger! Imagine an open source project is a burger selling in a restaurant. Every day, the chef makes thousands of burgers that have the same quality by following the same recipe from the restaurant. One day, customer A comes to the burger place to try the burger, and he/she loves it! Therefore, customer A decides to ask the chef whether he/she can get the recipe. Here, if the restaurant is open source, they will be happy to share the recipe to customer A, vice versa. After customer A gets the receipt, he/she decide to make the burger at home by him/herself! However, customer A is a meat lover and does not like onion that much, so he/she decide to change the recipe by taking o... -
CUBRID's Development Culture: The Development Process and Improvements Behind
Written by Hyung-Gyu, Ryoo on 07/16/2021 Foreword Hello, I am Hyung-Gyu Ryoo, I am working in CUBRID as a research engineer in the R&D department. In this post, I would like to introduce the development process of the open source project CUBRID and the efforts we have made to improve the process. It has been almost two and a half years since I joined CUBRID. During this period, as many great fellow developers have joined the CUBRID community, the R&D department of CUBRID has grown from one small team to three developments teams along with a QA team. After I participated in the first major version release (CUBRID 11), I was able to look back to the release process and improve the development process with my fellow developers. The Development Process of the Open Source Data...