Open Source Software
Open source software refers to software whose source code is released by the copyright holder so that anyone can freely use, reproduce, distribute, modify, and exploit it.
It also emphasizes technical value, such as increased productivity and quality through software reuse.
Open Source License
Open source software adopts different licenses depending on the type of the project, and there are more than 100 types of open source licenses certified by the OSI (Open Source Initiative) organization.
Each open source license has different requirements and restrictions, so it is important to check the details.

[Source: Korea Copyright Commission]
License Policy
Unlike other open source DBMS vendors, CUBRID has no commercial license but only an open source license in order to provide cost savings to companies. Because of this unique license policy, customers are not required to open the source code of applications or purchase a commercial license.
CUBRID has a separate license for the server engine and interface. The server engine adopts the Apache license 2.0, which allows distribution, modification, and acquisition of source code. The interface and tools have the BSD license in which there is no obligation of opening derivative works. The reason of adopting two separate license systems is that we do not want to give any limitations to Independent Software Vendors (ISV) for developing and distributing various CUBRID based applications.