:meta-keywords: cubrid node.js driver, cubrid node.js api, cubrid node.js programming :meta-description: CUBRID Node.js driver is developed in 100% JavaScript and does not require specific platform compilation. ************** Node.js Driver ************** CUBRID Node.js driver is developed in 100% JavaScript and does not require specific platform compilation Node.js is a platform built on `Chrome's JavaScript runtime `_. Node.js has the following specifics. * Event-driven, server-side JavaScript. * Good at handling lots of different kinds of I/O at the same time. * Non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. For more details, see https://nodejs.org/en/. If you want to download CUBRRID Node.js driver or find the recent information, see the following sites: .. FIXME: * Introducing project: http://www.cubrid.org/wiki_apis/entry/cubrid-node-js-driver * source code main repository: https://github.com/CUBRID/node-cubrid Installing Node.js ================== **Requirements** * CUBRID 8.4.1 Patch 2 or higher * `Node.js `_ **Installation** You can install CUBRID Node.js driver with "npm(Node Packaged Modules) install" command, but firstly you need to install node.js on https://nodejs.org/download/. :: npm install node-cubrid If you uninstall CUBRID Node.js driver, do the following command. :: npm uninstall node-cubrid CUBRID Node.js API ================== See http://ftp.cubrid.org/CUBRID_Docs/Drivers/Node.js/.