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CUBRID JDBC driver has been released.

1. Improvement and Fix
    - Upgrade the JDK version used for the build to JDK 1.8 (previous version: JDK 1.6)
    - Modified getSchemaName,getTableName Method behavior to support multi-schema
* getSchemaName(): Returns the schema name (Old JDBC version behavior: empty string, DB version that does not support multi-schema: empty string)
* getTableName(): returns only the table name (Operation in previous JDBC versions: "schemaName.tableName" format, DB versions that do not support multi-schema: table name)
    - Modified the return values ​​of TABLE_SCHEM and TABLE_NAME of CUBRIDDatabaseMetaData method
* TABLE_SCHEM: returns the schema name (behavior in previous JDBC versions: null, DB versions that do not support multi-schema: null)
* TABLE_NAME: returns only the table name (Operation in previous JDBC versions: "schemaName.tableName" format, DB versions that do not support multi-schema: table name in version)

    - Improved the loadBalance property of JDBC by adding Round-Robin method to prevent load from being concentrated on a specific host.

2. Download

3. GitHub Link

※ Please refer to the GitHub link for details.

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28 Interface CUBRID JDBC driver Released 2023.09.27
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