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CUBRID 11.2 Patch 3 has been released.

In this release, issues found after 11.2.2 released have been fixed.

1. Improvement and Fix
  - Support replacing default library of regular expression function from stdc++ to Google RE2 library.(Note : regex format supported by stdc++ may not be supported by RE2)
  - Improved that the database name and user name of the CREATE SERVER statement can be used as strings.
  - Fixed an error that was created duplicately when creating a FOREIGN KEY with a different name with the same column.
  - Fixed an error that fail intermittently when replicating large size records in HA environment.
  - Fixed a segment fault that occurred when view merging in a query that included CTE.
  - Fixed a segment fault that occurred when an EXISTS operation was performed during an index scan on a partitioned table.
  - Fixed an error loading .jar file fails in JavaSP.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when using the IFNULL(), NULLIF() function as a function-based index.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when the query plan cache was deleted while using explicit COMMIT/ROLLBACK statements after executing a query that included JavaSP.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when using indexes with more than 9 columns.
  - Fixed an error that returned incorrect results when binding a character type when using a multi-column index that included a number type in a PREPARE/EXECUTE statement.
  - Fixed an error that was created duplicately when creating an index with the same column with a different name.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when loading an object file without a user name in online Loaddb with a general user account.
  - Fixed an error that returned incorrect results when using the query cache in a partition table.
  - Fixed an error that could not log in when connecting as a user whose password was set with CSQL -S (standalone mode) in an environment where java_stored_procedure=yes was set.

Please refer to the 11.2.3 change logs( for details.

2. Precautions
  - When using heterogeneous(Oracle/MySQL) DBLINK, you must use ODBC Drvier for Unicode of Oracle/MySQL.

3. Environmental Requirements
  - Linux: 64bit, kernel 2.4 or higher, Windows: Windows7 or higher (Windows 7 requires the latest security updates)
  - JRE 1.8 or higher is required when using JSP or CUBRID Admin/CUBRID Manager

4. Download
  - Product download :

List of Articles
No. Category Subject Date
51 Interface CUBRID JDBC Driver Released 2022.08.25
50 Tool CUBRID Admin Released 2022.08.16
49 Tool CUBRID Manager Released 2022.08.05
48 Engine CUBRID 11.2 Patch 1 Released 2022.08.01
47 Tool CUBRID Admin Released 2022.07.27
46 Engine CUBRID 11.0 Patch 8 Released 2022.06.30
45 Engine CUBRID 11.0 Patch 7 Released 2022.06.09
44 Engine CUBRID 10.2 Patch 8 Released 2022.06.09
43 Engine CUBRID 11.2 Released 2022.05.23
42 Engine CUBRID 11.0 Patch 6 Released 2022.02.17
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