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CUBRID 11.2 Patch 9 has been released.
In this release, issues found after 11.2.8 released have been fixed.
1. Improvement and Fix
  - Fixed the "Cannot allocate query entry any more" error in Java SP
  - Fixed the issue where the vsnprintf function was not working properly in the WINDOWS version
  - Fixed an issue where unloaddb would cause an infinite loop when data exceeded 1MB in a JSON type column 
  - Fixed an issue where NULL values remained in the db_authorization system table after deleting a user
  - Fixed an issue where rownum was not changed to orderby_num in the ORDER BY removal logic
  - Improved recovery logic up to a certain point (restoredb)
  - Fixed an error that occured in the unloaddb/loaddb utility when the current_val and max_val values of serial are the same
  - Fixed an error message that occured when incorrect information is entered in ha_node_list and ha_replica_list
  - Improved string handling to support multiple encodings
  - Fixed the sort-limit optimization to work even when using bind variables
  - Corrected incorrect trace information in UNION, DIFFERENCE, INTERSECTION, and CTE
  - Resolved permission issues when performing 'for update' statements on system tables
  - Modified the behavior of vacuum_er_log_error() in the internal vacuum functions
  - Modified to prioritize the creation of the java directory when running a Java SP server
  - Fixed an issue where localhost could not be found when setting certain environments in
  - Fixed an issue where incorrect results were produced when a join relationship was not established
  - Improved the error message regarding the 'reverse unique index' comment when performing unloaddb
  - Fixed an issue when there was a space between the class name and parentheses in a Java SP declaration
  - Modified the broker/cas processes created by cub_manager to prevent them from becoming zombie processes
  - Removed unnecessary directories from the release file
  - Fixed an issue where NULL values remained in the db_auth system table after deleting a user
  - Modified the show statement to only display views owned by the connected account
  - Modified the method for registering a server in dblink and locating the server when the user schema is omitted in the query
  - Fixed a Java SP related issue when executing SELECT statement with a 'WHERE 0 <> 0' clause
  - Fixed an error that occured when using user variables in TIME_FORMAT() function
  - Modified the results of to_char(), time_format(), and date_format() functions to express TZM information identically
  - Improved the performance of strcat(), an internal function used in time_format() and date_format()
  - When using the oracle_style_empty_string value, the result of the replace(?,'-','') function is modified to be NULL
  - Fixed an issue where NULL was incorrectly handled in the '||' operation when using the oracle_style_empty_string value
  - Simplified repeated function calls and condition checks in char_isspace() and char_islower()
  - Resolved a compiler error where numeric values were incorrectly generated as double values when creating Java SP results
  Please refer to the 11.2.9 change logs( for details.
2. Precautions
  - When using heterogeneous(Oracle/MySQL) DBLINK, you must use ODBC Drvier for Unicode of Oracle/MySQL.
3. Environmental Requirements
  - Linux: 64bit, kernel 2.4 or higher, Windows: Windows7 or higher (Windows 7 requires the latest security updates)
  - JRE 1.8 or higher is required when using JSP or CUBRID Admin/CUBRID Manager
4. Download
  - Product download :

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