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CUBRID Migration Toolkit has been released.

  * CMT 11.3 has been upgraded to Eclipse RCP 4.16 and no longer provides the 32bit package.

1. Improvements

  - Made improvements so that schema names changed in Step 4 of the Migration Wizard are correctly applied.
  - Modified the output file prefix depending on whether a single schema or multiple schemas are supported.
  - Modified the Grant file output format.
  - Modified to display a notification if the directory to store the migration target files is not empty.
  - Modified the table name, column name, and pk value to remain in the log if an error occurs during migration.
  - If a LOB error occurs during Oracle migration, insert 'NULL' into the corresponding column value and modify the table name, column name, and pk value to remain in the log.
  - When processing an FK set to SET NULL during Oracle migration, change it to RESTRICT and modify the table name and fk name to remain in the log.
  - Changed the name of the "Refresh" button to "Update Database object" in Migration Wizard Step 2.
  - Added a ‘User name’ column to the connection table in Step 2 of the Migration Wizard.
  - Added type information to source and target databases in Step 6 of the Migration Wizard.
  - Added the ability to change the source, target JDBC driver, and output file directories when exporting migration scripts.
  - Modified so that pk and fk are output to the indexes file if the "Split schema file" option is not selected.
  - Modified triggers with view permissions so they can be displayed on unsupported objects.
  - Separated directory path so that only 100,000 LOB data can be stored in one directory.
  - Made changes to the default name of the migration script.
  - Added schema name to the LOB directory path.
  - Modified to include the script name in the output directory path.
  - Modified so that files can be created separately under the objects path when selecting the "One table one file" option.
  - Modified default settings for BLOB and CLOB type conversion to bit varying and varchar.

2.  Bug Fix 

  - Fixed the source and target schemas to use the user name of the connection when the source DB is a single schema in Step 4 of the Migration Wizard.
  - Fixed the issue of not moving to the next page when incorrect connection information is selected in Step 2 of the Migration Wizard. 
  - Fixed so that the same object name change notification is not displayed when the target DB is CUBRID 11.2 or higher.
  - When selecting the "One table one file" option, if a file with the same name already exists, it is deleted and created again.
  - Fixed an issue where all user names are displayed in Migration Wizard Step 5 when the source DB is a single schema.
  - Fixed an issue where objects not supported by Oracle were displayed overlappingly.
  - Fixed an issue where auto_increment was not created when the target DB is CUBRID 11.2 or higher.
  - Fixed to exclude parentheses when creating a view query without column information.
  - Fixed an issue where Oracle DEFAULT SYSDATE was incorrectly modified to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
  - Fixed an issue where the Oracle CAST function was missing. 
  - Fixed an issue where you could proceed to Migration Wizard Step 3 when using MySQL XML type.
  - Fixed an issue where migration could not be performed if the MySQL XML type data size is 32767 or more.
  - Fixed so that the names of objects with duplicate names can be changed during MSSQL migration.
  - Fixed an issue where <schemas> tags in files created after script export were output in an incomplete state.
  - Fixed an issue where the connection resource was not returned when getting the CUBRID Serial current value.
  - Fixed an issue where comments were not transferred during Oracle console migrations.
  - Fixed an issue where incorrect CUBRID SQL queries were generated when single quotes were used in the Oracle DEFAULT value.
  - Fixed an issue where connection resources were not released when querying Oracle sequence last_number.

3. 기타

  - Modified CMT license wording
  - Deleted notification tab
  - Improved Oracle table and view comment search speed
  - Changed the notification window for deleting duplicate files to a detailed notification window
  - Modified schema name to be displayed in uppercase letters
  - Added scroll function to Migration Wizard Step 1 and modified Korean description text
  - Improved Migration Wizard detailed information notification window content
  - Added “Split schema file” option description
  - Modified so that changes made after returning from Migration Wizard Step 6 to Step 5 are reflected back in Step 6.
  - Modified CMT JVM default settings values
  - Modified so that source types CSV and SQL script files can no longer be selected
  - Fixed a typo in the Korean title in Step 4 of the Migration Wizard 
  - The name of a column in Migration reports changed from "진행중" to "진행률" 
  - Underwent packaging for jre 1.8 to also support running CMT in Java 1.7 or lower environments

4. 다운로드

※ Please refer to the GitHub link for details.

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