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CUBRID 11.2 Patch 3 has been released.

In this release, issues found after 11.2.2 released have been fixed.

1. Improvement and Fix
  - Support replacing default library of regular expression function from stdc++ to Google RE2 library.(Note : regex format supported by stdc++ may not be supported by RE2)
  - Improved that the database name and user name of the CREATE SERVER statement can be used as strings.
  - Fixed an error that was created duplicately when creating a FOREIGN KEY with a different name with the same column.
  - Fixed an error that fail intermittently when replicating large size records in HA environment.
  - Fixed a segment fault that occurred when view merging in a query that included CTE.
  - Fixed a segment fault that occurred when an EXISTS operation was performed during an index scan on a partitioned table.
  - Fixed an error loading .jar file fails in JavaSP.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when using the IFNULL(), NULLIF() function as a function-based index.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when the query plan cache was deleted while using explicit COMMIT/ROLLBACK statements after executing a query that included JavaSP.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when using indexes with more than 9 columns.
  - Fixed an error that returned incorrect results when binding a character type when using a multi-column index that included a number type in a PREPARE/EXECUTE statement.
  - Fixed an error that was created duplicately when creating an index with the same column with a different name.
  - Fixed an error that occurred when loading an object file without a user name in online Loaddb with a general user account.
  - Fixed an error that returned incorrect results when using the query cache in a partition table.
  - Fixed an error that could not log in when connecting as a user whose password was set with CSQL -S (standalone mode) in an environment where java_stored_procedure=yes was set.

Please refer to the 11.2.3 change logs( for details.

2. Precautions
  - When using heterogeneous(Oracle/MySQL) DBLINK, you must use ODBC Drvier for Unicode of Oracle/MySQL.

3. Environmental Requirements
  - Linux: 64bit, kernel 2.4 or higher, Windows: Windows7 or higher (Windows 7 requires the latest security updates)
  - JRE 1.8 or higher is required when using JSP or CUBRID Admin/CUBRID Manager

4. Download
  - Product download :

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