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June 20, 2022


As the pandemic transition becomes visible, expectations of ‘back to normal’ are rising. While on the other hand, a ‘new normal’ created in the With-Corona era is taking place. A typical example is an increase in the proportion of 'working from home' in the information technology (IT) industry.


Telecommuting has spread widely since it was introduced in the early stages of the COVID-19 as part of the necessity of quarantine measures such as social distancing and protection of personal health, and now it has become one of the alternative working methods. In the case of the IT industry, it is analyzed that it was possible to adapt more quickly and effectively since this industry had focused on technologies that increased 'flexibility', maintained 'security', and increased 'productivity' even before the corona era. For example, Dell, which has been running the ‘Connected Workplace’ program since 2009, has been actively promoting telecommuting to increase work flexibility for its employees around the world. 


In South Korea, domestic companies are also implementing this new work pattern. Since the July of 2022, Naver Corporation, the South Korean global ICT company, has implemented a new work system that allows employees to choose between '3 days a week on-site work' or 'full remote work'. Fixed seats in the office are provided to employees who choose partial remote work, and employees who choose full remote work can use shared seats when going to work. Equipment for work convenience, such as monitors, is also provided for shared seats.


Open source DBMS specialized company, CUBRID, also pursues a free work method by integrating the values ​​of open source which is defined as participation, openness, and sharing in the workplace. Employees are able to work from home two days a week, and through the flexible working system, partial selective work is possible in the case of R&D department, voluntary commuting for technical support department, and the sales department is operated on a deemed duty system. The purpose of this new flexible working system is to internalize free communication and collaboration throughout the organizational culture and to fully integrate the open source culture.


Telecommuting, which was introduced to protect employees from the spread of the COVID-19 in the early stage of the global pandemic, has become the ‘new normal’ working routine and a new working experience. As a representative open source company in South Korea, CUBRID corporation is continuously pursuing efforts to improve the work environment so that developers and database engineers can work with greater freedom and efficiency.

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