TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) in CUBRID 11
Written by Jiwon Kim on 07/07/2021 👍Increase the level of database security by utilizing various security features of CUBRID. CUBRID 11 has enhanced security by providing the Transparent Data Encryption (henceforth, TDE) feature. So, what is TDE? TDE means transparently encrypting data from the user’s point of view. This allows users to encrypt data stored on disk with little to no application change. When a hacker hacks into an organization, the number one thing they want to steal is the important data in the database. Alternatively, there may be a situation where an employee with malicious intention inside the company logs into the database and moves all data to a storage media such as a USB. The easiest way to protect data in these situations is to encrypt the database. TDE, a technolog... -
CUBRID's Development Culture: The Development Process and Improvements Behind
Written by Hyung-Gyu, Ryoo on 07/16/2021 Foreword Hello, I am Hyung-Gyu Ryoo, I am working in CUBRID as a research engineer in the R&D department. In this post, I would like to introduce the development process of the open source project CUBRID and the efforts we have made to improve the process. It has been almost two and a half years since I joined CUBRID. During this period, as many great fellow developers have joined the CUBRID community, the R&D department of CUBRID has grown from one small team to three developments teams along with a QA team. After I participated in the first major version release (CUBRID 11), I was able to look back to the release process and improve the development process with my fellow developers. The Development Process of the Open Source Data... -
CUBRID Internal: Storage Management (Disk Manager, File Manager)
Written by Jaeeun, Kim on 08/11/2021 Introduction Database, just as its name implies, it needs spaces to store data. CUBRID, the open source DBMS that operates for the operating system allocates as much space as needed from the operating system and uses it efficiently as needed. In this article, we will talk about how CUBRID internally manages the storage to store data in the persistent storage device. Through this article, we hope developers can access the open source database CUBRID more easily. - The content of this article is based on version 10.2.0-7094ba. (However, it seems to be no difference in the latest develop branch, 11.0.0-c83e33. ) CUBRID Storage Management The CUBRID server has multiple modules that operate and manage data complexly and sophisticatedly. Among them, there are ... -
Converting PL/SQL to CUBRID Java SP using ANTLR and StringTemplate
Written by Youngjin Joo on 09/30/2021 CUBRID DBMS (hereinafter 'CUBRID') does not support PL/SQL. If you want to continue your project by creating functions or subprograms with PL/SQL syntax in CUBRID, you need to convert them to Java Stored Function/Procedure (hereinafter 'Java SP'). Database developers, administrators, and engineers are often familiar with PL/SQL syntax but not with programming languages. In addition, application development depends very little on the DBMS used, but converting PL/SQL to Java SP seems difficult because it feels like you're developing a new system. Therefore, while I am looking for an easy way to convert PL/SQL to Java SP, I found out about ANTLR. ANTLR is a tool for generating parsers. With the help of contributors around the world, ANT... -
Written by SeHun Park on 11/09/2021 - HASH SCAN Hash Scan is a scan method for hash join. Hash Scan is applied in view or hierarchical query. When a subquery such as view is joined as inner, index scan cannot be used. In this case, performance degradation occurs due to repeated inquiry of a lot of data. In this situation, Hash Scan is used. The picture above shows the difference between Nested Loop join and Hash Scan in the absence of an index. In the case of NL join, the entire data of INNER is scanned as many as the number of rows of OUTER. In contrast, Hash Scan scans INNER data once when building a hash data structure and scans OUTER once when searching. Therefore, you can search for the desired data relatively very quickly. Here, the internal structure of Hash Scan is written as the fl...