:meta-keywords: cubrid service, cubrid shell, cubrid create database, cubrid start database :meta-description: CUBRID quick start guide. How to launch CUBRID service, create and start a database. Starting the CUBRID Service =========================== Configure environment variables and language, and then start the CUBRID service. For more information on configuring environment variables and language, see :ref:`control-cubrid-services`. Shell Command ------------- The following shell command can be used to start the CUBRID service and the *demodb* included in the installation package. :: % cubrid service start @ cubrid master start ++ cubrid master start: success @ cubrid broker start ++ cubrid broker start: success @ cubrid manager server start ++ cubrid manager server start: success % cubrid server start demodb @ cubrid server start: demodb This may take a long time depending on the amount of recovery works to do. CUBRID 10.1 ++ cubrid server start: success @ cubrid server status Server demodb (rel 10.1, pid 31322) CUBRIDService or CUBRID Service Tray ------------------------------------ On the Windows environment, you can start or stop a service as follows: * Go to [Control Panel] > [Performance and Maintenance] > [Administrator Tools] > [Services] and select the CUBRIDService to start or stop the service. .. image:: /images/image5.png * In the system tray, right-click the CUBRID Service Tray. To start CUBRID, select [Service Start]; to stop it, select [Service Stop]. Selecting [Service Start] or [Service Stop] menu would be like executing cubrid service start or cubrid service stop in a command prompt; this command runs or stops the processes configured in service parameters of cubrid.conf. * If you click [Exit] while CUBRID is running, all the services and process in the server stop. .. note:: An administrator level (SYSTEM) authorization is required to start/stop CUBRID processes through the CUBRID Service tray; a login level user authorization is required to start/stop them with shell commands. If you cannot control the CUBRID processes on the Windows Vista or later version environment, select [Execute as an administrator (A)] in the [Start] > [All Programs] > [Accessories] > [Command Prompt]) or execute it by using the CUBRID Service Tray. When all processes of CUBRID Server stops, an icon on the CUBRID Service tray turns out gray. Creating Databases ------------------ You can create databases by using the **cubrid createdb** utility and execute it where database volumes and log volumes are located. If you do not specify additional options such as **--db-volume-size** or **--log-volume-size**, 1.5 GB volume files are created by default (data volume is set to 512 MB, active log is set to 512 MB, and background archive log is set to 512 MB). :: % cd testdb % cubrid createdb testdb en_US % ls -l -rw------- 1 cubrid dbms 536870912 Jan 11 15:04 testdb -rw------- 1 cubrid dbms 536870912 Jan 11 15:04 testdb_lgar_t -rw------- 1 cubrid dbms 536870912 Jan 11 15:04 testdb_lgat -rw------- 1 cubrid dbms 176 Jan 11 15:04 testdb_lginf -rw------- 1 cubrid dbms 183 Jan 11 15:04 testdb_vinf In the above, *testdb* represents a data volume file, testdb_lgar_t represents a background archive log file, testdb_lgat represents an active log file, testdb_lginf represents a log information file, and testdb_vinf represents a volume information file. For details on volumes, see :ref:`database-volume-structure` . For details on creating volumes, see :ref:`creating-database`. It is recommended to classify and add volumes based on purpose by using the **cubrid addvoldb** utility. For details, see :ref:`adding-database-volume`. Starting Database ----------------- You can start a database process by using the **cubrid server** utility. :: % cubrid server start testdb To have *testdb* started upon startup of the CUBRID service (cubrid service start), configure *testdb* in the **server** parameter of the **cubrid.conf** file. :: % vi cubrid.conf [service] service=server,broker,manager server=testdb ...